“With numerous breeds of similar yet varying characteristics, this cloven-hooved wonder is admirably adapted to a good many extreme environmental and nutritional conditions – harsh climates, scarce food resources – often surviving or even thriving on the fringe where others would fear to tread. Furthermore, it is a relatively long-living, multiparous animal with a short generational interval. Here we pay homage to one of the world’s most amazing living resources known as Goat.”
Goat Milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk. A far superior source of alkalizing potassium as well as being less allergenic, naturally homogenized, and easier to digest.
This matter is both an issue of biochemistry as well as thermodynamics. Regarding the biochemistry of the issue, we know that goat’s milk has a greater amount of essential fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acid than cow’s milk as well as significantly greater amounts of vitamin B-6, vitamin A, and niacin. Goat’s milk is also a far superior source of the vitally important nutrient potassium. This extensive amount of potassium causes goat’s milk to react in an alkaline way within the body whereas cow’s milk is lacking in potassium and ends up reacting in an acidic way.
Goat’s milk is less allergenic, naturally homogenized, easier to digest, lactose intolerant friendly, as well as being both biochemically and thermodynamically superior to cow’s milk. ※
Source: Vital Force Wellness / “Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk” by Dr. Thomas Cooke