VitalForceWellness » Self-Reliance Modules » Bees


The Industry of Summer, Eats Honey All Winter

Western Honeybee (Apis mellifera)

“Domesticated but not Tamed”

“As is widely understood, bees provide a tremendous ecological service in pollinating a variety of flowering plants and food crops. Additionally, bee conservation practices not only help improve bee populations and hive health, but they greatly improve the quality of water, soil, and wildlife habitat as well. Bees are known as pollinators, as they assist plants to live and reproduce by transferring pollen between various interrelated flowering plants. They carry pollen on their legs and body from flower to flower – ultimately helping to create what’s known as genetic variety.”

Bee Products – Bee Pollen

In the arena of Natural Foods & Supplements – bee pollen has long been recognized as being a superior nutritive substance. A good many trusted names in natural health look toward bee pollen to further tap nature’s wellspring for a more active and capable lifestyle. The recognition of bee pollen for its unique nutritional characteristics has been coveted for centuries the world over.

Pollen is the reproductive material of flowering plants. This reproductive material holds the genetic code containing all the innate characteristics and nutritional energy of a particular plant. In the living world – the urge to reproduce is amongst the strongest of instinctive forces – pollen is a representative catalyst of that urge.

Fresh Honey & Bee Pollen

No substance on earth can deliver the nutritive biodiversity that bee pollen does. Its full spectrum nutrition from botanical sources includes vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, proteins, enzymes, polyphenols, and a good many yet to defined excelsior components. ※

Source: Vital Force Wellness / “
