By Erin Holden As an herbalist I’m interested in many aspects of plants – from their use in herbal and conventional medicine, to lore that informs us how...
By Susan Belsinger (Adapted from her article, “Exploring Rainforest Spices at Villa Vanilla,” featured in the 2019 issue of The Herbarist, the annual journal...
By Susan Belsinger (Adapted from her article, “Exploring Rainforest Spices at Villa Vanilla,” featured in the 2019 issue of The Herbarist, the annual journal...
By Maryann Readal Cinnamon is the name for several plant species in the laurel family (Lauraceae). It is a small tropical evergreen tree with aromatic leaves and bark...
An herbal walk on the edge of winter You can notice the change from the humid, vegetal smells of summer mornings to the crisp richness of autumn, at least here in...
By Maryann Readal If you grow roses, plan now for rose hips. Simply leave the spent flowers on your rose bushes after their last bloom of the season. Do NOT cut them off...
Folklore and herbal medicine from the salty coast If you live close by the sea, consider yourself lucky. Even if it’s a few hours away, a visit to the coast is...
By Keith Badger The term Shinrin-yoko, which translates in English as Forest Bathing, was coined in 1982 by the Japanese government in part as a corrective therapeutic...
Dandelions are weeds. And a good thing too! They are common, and easy to get to know. But being weedy, many folks resist their springtime show, favoring tulips and...
Environmental Resilience Through Herbal Medicine You can learn a lot from the study of medicinal plants and mushrooms: how they carry their embodied selves, how they...