Goats and dogs were among the first animals to be domesticated by humans. Bone remains found in archaeological sites and advances in genetics have, over the last three...
Goats in the News
These arresting quadrupeds are continually making headlines:
In part three of our animals at work series, we visit Shimada Ryoiku Center, an assisted living facility for disabled children in eastern Tokyo. On staff are a team of...
Goats can wreak havoc around the farm with their horns, breaking through fences, impaling their ungulate brethren and even violently butting unsuspecting farmers. The...
A herd of amorous goats have been saved after rescuers built a stairway made of hay bales from the bottom of a cliff. Two in-season female goats were chased off the...
SADIE HUTCHINGS / VETERINARIAN / WELLFLEET Sadie Hutchings is a native Wellfleetian, living with her husband and their toddler and baby in the house where she grew up...
Portland General Electric employs goats to clean area near the Oak Grove Powerhouse along the Clackamas River. Some recent employees for Portland General Electric hadA...
Goats. The more spry members of the species can climb trees despite being hooved, and archaeology has proven that goats have lived cheek to jowl with us for over 10,000...
A herd of Old Irish Goats have been sent to Howth Head in an effort to prevent future wildfires. This summer gorse fires raged across the Dublin landmark for six weeks...
An exclusion fencing loan scheme has been the enabler for Queensland’s Rob and Sophie Francis as they work their way back from a debilitating drought that shut...
Image by Chräcker Heller from Pixabay via VitalForceWellness PDF – Iconic Istrian GoatDownload APRIL 1, 2021 by Lajla VESELICA – Phys.org With wavy horns and...