Despite a dip in honey production, interest in beekeeping continues to grow. The effects of both Winter Storm Uri and drought conditions this spring are behind the...
The Buzz About Bees
A conversation with Indiana’s top honeybee expert FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WPTA21) – Indiana’s pollinators are working overtime on Labor Day to gather every...
Honeybees have Increased 85% in the Last 60 Years By Hank Campbell | A new analysis finds that if there ever was a “Beepocalypse”, it hasn’t been...
Pesticide Exposure Antidote BY BRIAN OWENS Feeding bees an antidote packaged inside pollen-like particles can rescue them from pesticide poisoning, according to research...
In France, beekeepers are waking up to find their hives stolen. There’s been an increase in thefts across the country, with beekeepers blaming a possible...
Want to help Minnesota’s pollinators? Lawns to Legumes has grants and coaches to guide you. Nora G. Hertel St. Cloud Times Sue Gray is trying to attract an...