VitalForceWellness » Probiotic Blends & Adaptogens to boom as part of ‘Mind & Body’ industry
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Probiotic Blends & Adaptogens to boom as part of ‘Mind & Body’ industry

The prediction forms part of a new CPhI Worldwide report, in which one of the contributors Sirio Pharma outlines several nutraceutical-related observations expected to impact the industry by 2025.

“The growth in preventative approaches to health as a consumer trend has not gone unnoticed by pharma companies, which are looking to use their often highly trusted and valuable brands to open-up new markets,” explains Dominique Baum, MD at SIRIO Europe

“This means looking at non pharmaceutical or alternative pharmaceutical methods that can be sold as part of the overall package to improve health – everything from apps, and dietary advice to supplements.”

Probiotic formulations

The report highlights the latest probiotic formulations and blends which boast multi supportable health claims such as stabilising the microbiome and its role in nervous system function and maintenance.

These blends include probiotics (and postbiotics) blended with omega oil as well as botanical ingredients like tea extracts, to build out an immune support plus formulation.

“At SIRIO, we have seen this first-hand in the last year, with the continued demand for our patented probiotic/omega 3 softgels,” the contract manufacturer says.

“In fact, we anticipate nutraceutical customers in both the United States and especially in Europe coming to us to explore novel combinations over the next 12- 24 months as consumers become more aware of this innovation.”

By extension the report, co-written by Baum, who is Managing Director at SIRIO Europe, also highlights the popularity of adaptogens that the report states are led by the popularity of ginseng and saffron in Europe and ashwagandha in the US.

The interest in these ingredients that help stimulate stress-protection responses and maintain homeostasis, may be triggered by the onset of lifestyle-related actions that place increased demands on the body.

“These ingredients are increasingly in demand in response to increased incidence of stress and sleeping problems – both in response to anxiety and increased digital screen time,” the report highlights.

Blue light

Such is the concern of increased screen time on sleep quality, The International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations (IADSA) has made available the resource ‘The Dark Side of Blue Light’ exploring how exposure to blue light has surged from increased use of smartphones, computer monitors and LED lighting.

The resource estimates that consumers now spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes a day looking at phones – amounting to nearly 50 days of the year.

The report goes on: “For example, saffron due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of its two extracts, crocin and safranal, is used not only to improve mood and combat depression, but its efficacy is also now being explored for preventing age-related ocular diseases.

“We anticipate an increasing number of contract manufacturers will be using saffron in their mood formulations in the next 12 months as demand grows.”

Universal trend

Along with SIRIO Pharma’s Karla Acevedo, the co-authors also point out that the trend for mood formulations is proving universal with differences in regional preferences focusing on dosage forms, ingredient types, and flavour profiles.

“In China we have introduced a centre-filled, plant-based and sugarfree gummy product containing the active ingredients GABA (?-aminobutyric acid) and theanine.

“This product is used to promote relaxation and calm before sleep and is combined with a regional flavour profile and scientific design.

“Consumers here are looking for multidimensional experiences and so the product combines peach and oolong tea in the filling and jasmine and lavender in the outer layer.

“This personalisation of ingredients and flavours will continue to drive forward innovation, new dosages and ultimately products with greatest growth potential and margins for nutraceutical brands.”

Orhan Caglayan, Brand Director at CPhI Worldwide, adds: “What our report shows is that pharma brands have been inspired by some of the consumer-friendly innovations seen in nutraceuticals, and with overall wellness, sustainability and plant-based diets proliferating, many nutra formulations meet these three intersecting trends.

“More generally, we are seeing a growth in ingredients like adaptogens, probiotics and mood health formulations.

“And, in the medium term we expect large growth in gummies and innovative delivery forms as they fit easily within overall health regimens and of course perfectly meet the growing trend of patient centricity.”

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