Drugged Out on Nootropics
Back in college I got into drugs. No, not weed and coke, but a group of substances called “smart drugs” or nootropics.
Back then, there wasn’t much of a US market for them, and some were technically illegal to buy over the counter. But you could order them from other countries. I did that. As a good “neurohacker” I even had an encapsulating machine as part of my smart-drug paraphernalia. The results were so-so, but I graduated, so maybe they helped.
Today things have changed. There’s some really good stuff out there. The nootropic market has boomed as people are looking for new ways to manage stress, think better, and get an edge on the competition. And luckily, most of these “drugs” are now classified as supplements, as they should’ve been in the first place.
There are several nootropics on the market, but here’s one with a proven record: NALT or N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine.
N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine is a more bioavailable form of the amino acid L-tyrosine, which is used by the brain to make dopamine. Dopamine plays a big part in memory, focus, and sense of well-being. Some of NALT’S effects include:
Improved focus, concentration, memory, and learning capacity
Better cognitive flexibility and improved analytical skills
Improved decision making, mental “flow” state, and creativity
Improved mood and increased positive outlook
Increased energy
Reduction of stress and social anxiety
The cool part about NALT is that it appears to do all this when the user is under stress. That could be college stress, work stress, relationship stress, stress caused by intense exercise, and even stressors like cold and heat. And when stress is abated other things affected by it improve, like libido.
Most studies have shown that N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine works better as part of a “stack” – when you take a few complementary compounds together. Here are several to try out, no encapsulating machine required:
Brain Candy® (Available with caffeine or without if you prefer.)
Spike® Double Shot
Spike® Shooter
Spike® Hardcore Energy
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