VitalForceWellness » Yale Doctor: 70% of Americans have natural immunity & masks don’t work
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Yale Doctor: 70% of Americans have natural immunity & masks don’t work

Truth from a Yale Doctor

Dr. Harvey Risch is an MD and a Ph.D. professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. He was on the Travis & Sexton show today responding to Biden’s idiocy as he got his booster shot.

They played the clip of Biden saying we might get back to normal after 97% to 98% are vaccinated. They asked for his thoughts since 77% are vaccinated now.

“I’m glad the president said that he’s not a scientist, because when he said isn’t scientific. And what we need is a very high amount of natural, post-infection immunity. The vaccines contribute to immunity but not in the way that one would think about it. What we need is people who have gotten the immunity from having had the illness. About 70% of Americans so far already have this, and they do not need to be vaccinated. They have much stronger immunity,” Risch said.

Travis asked about his comment that 70% were exposed to COV and recovered.

“Yes. It’s very clear that the CDC has done surveys of antibodies to covid in the blood of people and what they found is that almost fivefold numbers of people have had covid, mostly asymptomatically, as the numbers of registered cases. So this means that approximately close to or over 70% across the country as a whole have had covid and have wide immunity to not just the Delta variant, but more or less any variant that comes along over the next six months to a year. They’re protected.”

As Dr. Risch said, COVID is a serious illness, but if treated in the first five or six days, it greatly reduces the risk.

He spoke about the therapeutics our government minimizes.

“The monoclonal antibodies contributes to early treatment. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin are very strong medications that work. Colchicine is another one. Steroids are in use. Vitamin D and zinc contribute to the whole pattern of care. There’s a number of them that are available, and doctors who are actively treating patients know how to use these. They are extremely successful, extremely successful in treating patients as outpatients.”

Travis asked him if he was pressured to go along with the consensus.

“Yes, there is, but most of that pressure is coming from censorship. From Yale itself, we have a very strong support for academic freedom, and my colleagues say what they think; I say what I think. We’re cordial and collegial. And this is why I love Yale. And it’s important to recognize that. Outside of that we have social media that are suppressing any dissenting voices, and that’s really Draconian and bad for doing science and bad for objective reviews of contentious topics.”

“…you have to realize that censorship exists when the party that does the censoring cannot defend that position. So that’s the tool that’s left. When you can’t defend what you think, you resort to censorship. That’s why we see it.”

Dr. Risch is very optimistic about the COV wave settling down.

He also doesn’t think children need to be vaccinated unless they have an underlying illness.

About masks — they don’t work.

“Well, the CDC has published two papers that I saw today that are cherry-picked evidence of what we call ecologic studies, studies of communities, not of individuals. They are not randomized studies, and they are touting their two studies, when there’s another 40 studies in the literature dealing with the efficacy of masks showing that masks don’t work.

“So they’re cherry-picking the ones that they think say that masks work and they’re ignoring all the rest of the literature that show that masks don’t work. All you have to do is see somebody vaping with the mask on and you’ll see how the vape particles come out all over the sides and through the masks. So it’s not patently obvious that the masks don’t do enough.”


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Independent Sentinel

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